Practice Clinics and Services

At The Meadows Surgery, there are a number of clinics and services on offer. In addition to our routine health services such as managing your acute needs, undertaking tests, vaccinations and chronic conditions, we also provide:


  • Child Development Checks
  • Well Person Clinic
  • Health Promotion
  • Minor Surgery
  • Antenatal Care & Family Planning
  • Elderly Persons Screening
  • Counselling In House (via referral)
  • Midwifery Care (via Community Midwifes)

Please click on the following link to complete the self referral maternity booking form:  Self referral – Maternity – Somerset NHS Foundation Trust (


Cervical Screening (Smear Clinic)

Cervical Screening (Smear Test) is routinely offered to women as part of a National Screening Programme between the ages of 25 and 64.

This test is not to diagnose cervical cancer. The test is to check the health of the cervix, which is the lower part of the womb. For the majority of women the test will show that everything is fine but for 1 in 20 women there may be some changes in the cells that can be caused by many things; however most of these changes will not lead to cervical cancer. Since the 1980’s, cervical cancer rates have halved mostly due to women having regular smear tests.

Women should be called routinely every 3 years until the age of 50, then the frequency is reduced to 5 yearly.


Contraception Clinics

Contraception is used to prevent unplanned pregnancy resulting from sexual intercourse. Contraception is free for most people in the UK. With 15 methods to choose from, we can help you to find the one that suits you best.


Nurse & Healthcare Assistants

Our Practice Nurses hold sessions Monday – Friday.

They are fully qualified to carry out:

  • Health promotions advice
  • Screening e.g.: ear syringing
  • Immunisations for children
  • Cervical smears
  • Travel Advice and Immunisation
  • Wound Dressings
  • Contraception Advice/ Review
  • Chronic Disease Clinics (asthma/COPD/Diabetes
  • B12 injections
  • Injections
  • 24hr BP
  • Dopplers
  • Chaperone duties


The Nurses are assisted by our Health Care Assistant & Trainee Nurse Associate

They are fully qualified to carry out the following procedures:

  • Blood tests including INR
  • ECGs 12 lead & 24 hr
  • Health Checks – height, weight & Blood Pressure monitoring
  • Simple Dressings
  • Suture & clip removal
  • Flu & Shingle vaccinations
    B12 injections – Lydia only
  • pre-Diabetic Clinic
  • Hypertention reviews
  • Over 75 checks
  • AF checks
  • Chaperone Duties