Macmillan provides support for anyone affected by cancer. Find out what to expect, get information, practical advice and support, hear from experts and read about other people’s experiences
Cancer Support UK
Cancer Support UK provide practical and emotional support to people with cancer, during and after the treatment period.
The Talking Therapies Counselling service offers a wide range of treatments for adults 18yrs and over who are registered with a GP surgery in the Somerset area.
Kooth provide free, safe and anonymous online support for young people aged 10-18yrs.
Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service
Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service (SDAS) treats young people and adults that have a problem with drugs and alcohol.
Smoke free
Smoke Free is provided by the NHS as free support to assist with giving up smoking.
NHS Choices
NHS Choices offers a 12 week weight loss guide, combined with advice on healthier eating and physical activity.
Diabetes UK
Diabetes UK is the leading UK charity for people affected by diabetes.
Alzheimer’s Society
The Alzheimer's Society make a commitment to be available to every person who receives a diagnosis. We want everyone affected by dementia to know that, whatever you are going through wherever you are, whoever you are, you can turn to Alzheimer’s Society for support, help and advice.
National Dementia Helpline: 0300 2221122
Somerset Community Connect
Provide advice and support to help people live as independently as possible in their own homes. To contact Somerset Community Connect, call: 0300 123 2224
Somerset Carers Service
Somerset Carers Service can help link to you groups and events in your area, to find facts and information that will help the person you are caring for with their particular needs. Here you will find specific support for your unique situation; and our Carers Agents are on hand to help and guide you.
Red Cross
The Red Cross provide short-term loans of wheelchairs and toilet aids.
There are a number of voluntary services available locally that can help you find activities, groups or services in the community to support your health and wellbeing.
Visit SPARK Somerset and Wellbeing South Somerset to find out more.